Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
midwest skies & sleepless mondays
i say, travelling out aloneee on a relatively longgg journey, musique-lesss.
especially along that route that you used to be so familiar with.
sudden wavesness of reminiscing the good o'l and bad times.
yr visual begin blurring due to the clouding of tears
a shot of morphine is all we need.
I'm filled with envy for people who does what they want not caring a single hoot about what others perceive or say.
for it takes alot of courage outta me to speak to certain people again even in the basic context of friends.
simply put, im not doing a justice to myself.
Bin Contest
just like how my results goes throughout my poly life cycle- declining, after digging up all redundant stuffs to dispose of in case you dont know my hse is in an emergency state of a 'aftermath of tornada swept'.
ystday was a 'rash breakout' at ECP with aza, fel, isk, kian & an. Quite unbearable itch and unsightful redness. You know i wanted to blade but ever since i incurred the 2 lovely scars across my ankles since primary 5, i shunned the idea of blading esp. at ECP again. oh and it was so far the most happening trip there.
1. some malay uncle fishing up a BIG stingray when the skies are alr dark and with isk shouting at the top of his voice. Im amazed. I can still hear the rod shaking vigourously.
2. some girl who collapsed on her bike with her leg stuck in between the wheels. The poor girl was surrounded by curious onlookers like some 'accident area' . Lucky for her, she managed to free her ankle w/o the help of paramedics, i thought otherwise.
3. army guy drawing his fists to a secondary school girl in public. or rather exchanging pointers. like what the hell.
and then after the sweat out, i finally went to geylang for soya beancurd with doughstick (dou jiang you tiao) followed by pool again at some ghetto ulu place with a cheap rate of 6$ on a weekend midnight with chipMUN and vins.
yes. and the only pictures i took for ystday are yr friendly neighbourhood dustbins yet again that i discovered more.
***Vote for your favourite bins and stand a chance to walk away with yr ideal bin. =D
Bin 1- Sunflower Phenomenal
Bin 2- Mr Choochoo Train
Bin 3- Think in ways you've never
Bin 4- Devil firefighter
Bin 5- Children's fantasy
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Tuesdays BLUES
A revived pool session with the classmates after the DT paper today hoping it will chase away the blues. Didnt quite help but actually i still feel like lingering to play more like til the evening? when we all still have a paper early morning 9am babeh~.
Perhaps by then it'll work. And i really still suck at pool.
10 chapters untouched with less than 24hrs. its self-suicidal.
but simply NO MOOD NO MOOD for anything.
I've always got something against tuesdays besides the 'gelare waffle special'. blah =p
Mr Bean's wife was in labour. However instead of taking her to the hospital, he brought her to 'Pizza Hut'. WHY???
becuz they promise FREE DELIVERY.
PS: its all in blue
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
yeah... feels good to get it out of my chest finally.
i decided to give the red signal to my tuition kid after suffering from recent months of mentally 'abuse'. cuz u know, its really hard to open yr mouth to certain issues.
Apparently, lessons are frequently postpone due to either his fatigueness after long hrs in school or worse, just because no or few homework was assigned for the day. NO SHIT.
and then i got called up on a scale of 4 outta 7days a week. For? enquiring or rather DOING hw for the kiddo whenever the mom felt helpless with em.
stupid as i was to divulge where my lair lies. A further convenience for the mom to dish his pieces of fresh worksheets untouched, unwritten for me to handle. I was sure i did taught him how to do it before and he too managed to cope with completing it all by himself on the spot.
was it the result of the fast pace everchanging education system or was it just him?
well somehow i think the major responsible lies with his mom.
either ways, he's too pampered la!
he'll die w/o a tuition teacher!
let me ask, will u allow yr child to sit by and do nothing when he's stuck at a question without even scribbling something on his paper? and then simply dial 1800-tuitionteacher-SOS.
so plssss... dont ever do that in future!
Note, i wouldnt mind helping out if it was once in a blue moon thang. But it seems an inch has grew to a size of a yard.
oh wells, i wish him good luck.
Monday, August 07, 2006
when i feel like it.
Both were equally nice but i felt tokyo drift deserves more credits for the pretty pretty cars & pretty girls. full package.

picture not perfecto.
_ _ _
oh and i have some very random stuffs to share.
Agree with me that All Problems Start with MEN, like...
1.Mental Stress
2.Menstrual Cramps
Chance upon this bin at some void deck near East Coast Park. The vandalised bin was nicely done up instead of the usual standardised orange one we see around.
To the vandaliser: Good job!
A couple of months ago or rather last yr's xmas countdown, apparently i saw a group of people holding their fire sparkles, swinging their sticks in a rhymthic manner. They even approached one of us to take a picture for em. I was like 'hmm...can really see meh?'
and now i know...
weekend was great! hawaiianpizzamaniaSIAO duo indulge solves all my meals in 1 shot on a sunday
*Battling for the delayed ATM test's tmr. I better pass.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
imma AbacusWhiz.
if only u know what a hassle it is to book air tickets.
anyhoo, classmate A & classmate B were 2 kind souls to actually stay back after their test to acc & coach me together with classmate C. sweetos~
*Classmate A: Azaleas Loh aka sotong honey
Fact 123: do you know azaleas is actually the name of a flower significantly growing in South Carolina landscapes?
holla to Ong Bak's wife-to-be. we're goin thai yo. blurrestt, cutesst & sweetestt la you.
my fav SAI girl thru all the 'shitty days'. with SIAOness Hannor loves <3>
*Classmate B: Mr kian aka Dante (sia) for acc me for lappy checkups, hardisk loaning, ATM tutoring. THANKEW~ *Classmate C: Ruby - gem of affection we shall practise hard & good luck for the test!
Finally,the class SUPERB CEM project which strengthen the bonds. We came in 2nd though. whyee no prize???!
anyways, was frustrating combing my wardrobe to match with the 'meowwalk' members' dress theme cuz my pox's not completely shed off yet yoO. Imagine the presentation's on the 2nd day i return to sch after 2 weeks of quarantine...
*TB 55 loves
3OSI SQ CTCA SIN girlies* we need to catch up soon, imu-0