Aloha!!! peektures
The Bday Boy cum loanshark with his act-cool shades and ahlong goldchain
- Edrick Chua Wen ahLong

Of course, we'll kill time with some camwhoring
- Edrick Chua Wen ahLong

Of course, we'll kill time with some camwhoring
I'm into sticking out tongue pics =p
i kope this from xz. (MEAN) but i cant help but laugh my head off still.
Insane going-ons.
yoyo! with courtesy of my nails
He won the 'snow white' award for that night and i was jealous of his fairness...
The overaged infant we were caring for.
is primary 1 this year! His name's Deschamps (dey-chomp)
With regards to your previous comment,
AARON HO, we the lovely babysitters pledge that we did nothing immoral to him and swear that we were merely helping him to clean himself since he approached us! To the very best of what we can do.
New Town Affair!
a handful werent inside though and guess who shouldn't be in this pic.

At 9:21 PM,
-=vanessa=- said…
ur top is nice.. can i buy from u. hur hur hur
At 4:50 PM,
xinzi said…
WEI. i was frm Newton SEc for THAT DAY ! haha..
i miss u bitch.
i miss u bitch.
i miss u bitch.
i miss u bitch.
i miss u bitch.
At 6:47 AM,
A said…
smlj?! it's hoE. clean dick right? i'm not snow white. screw u :P
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