zonked out at ZOUK
I had trillion-fun of bonding sessions over the week.
And i feel the urge to update on this first...
the night *pumpkin got wasted!
Dear Ms Ye xinzi,
i wonder if you know how many casualties you've harmed and the insane things you did when you got wasted last night. A brief report from eye-witnesses.
You literally got high in less than an hour, dancing like nobody's biz, draggin MsTang along to be your lesbo erotic dancer, SLAP every single guy in our group on their foreheads REPEATEDLY with your Buddha palm. Remove Zach's glasses and played around with it, causing it to almost be lost in zouk! and you KICKASS, you really do, now i know. To add, you cause aaron's lips to bleed with whatever funny dangerous stunt you pulled, SLAPPED me once hard on my back and im now suffering from 80 yr o' granny's backache after all the tugging and slouching. And you Almost suck a FAG, (your most hated) plus all the yelling at the very top of your voice of your usual 'F*RKkkk~', in and outta the club.
When i could finally get you out, you 'merlion-ed' the bustop with your beautiful creations, and i mean you really did it in a rather GROSS way like ...( ask me personally )
And when saying 'sorry' doesnt seems to be the hardest word at all, you apparently conveniently spatted out numerous 'sorry'sSssssssss to people around you. For the night, the word was irritatingg for as long as it comes out from your mouth, WE sense DANGER!
*before i met up with pumpkin, with the sec sch lovelies.
*And then, to zouk when xinzi's still perfectly sober
The BIGGESt victim shows his face, with his now dehydrated crimson lower lips
*xinzi: "muHAHAHA~ i'm on the run now, better watch out for me cuz I KICKASS!"
and then... Her beautiful creations at the bus-stop
She proudly posed with her 'beautiful creation' number 1.
At 12:08 AM,
xinzi said…
WAS i so horrible?
thanks so much for taking care of me..
dunnoe what will happen if ure not around..
At 12:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
a TERROR man..~
oh anyway, chill~ anything for *pumpkin ya...
Love you though you are so GROSS lahh... ;)
At 12:34 AM,
-=vanessa=- said…
xin zi cant drink for nuts. hahaha
and u still took a pic of her puke.
like so ewww!
At 12:36 AM,
xinzi said…
rare pic leh..
haha.. tt was the 1st time i vomitted..
At 5:27 PM,
laimeng said…
HAHAHA. If next time gg to get drunk.. mus hire ms tang to be the caretaker. Lolx
At 10:42 AM,
mys said…
hey! xinzi? isnt that the brown tank top girl that wished me happy new year? omg, she's scary!
At 4:54 AM,
xinzi said…
-bk- ROARRR!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm not tt scary laaaaaaaa
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