it's not a fashion statement, it's a deathwish.
As much as i dont feel like posting this entry, you can say i really needa get this off my chest.
I feel as if i'm only 2 cents worth.
All the stuff i've done and sacrifices, the love ever so deep as a valley, seems to have been forsaken in less than 2 weeks for a new chapter of your love life.
Exactly 90 movies, another 10 to hit significant 100.
80 'loveydovey' sms i stored safely in my phone since i carried my present one.
The collected whatever-trip-tickets, pictures which i couldn't bear to delete or throw them afterall.
For a moment, I wish i was heartless or a playerette. I, hurting others and not the other way round. Selfish? yes but it's less terrible to go through criticisms than heartbreaks.
Imagine your heart being pry open and yet nobody even yourself is able to stop the bleeding, like a helpless sheep wandering among the herd.
The thought of taking the plunge actually came across my mind
I need somebody to stab me seriously there, on the left chest.
WHY? tell me whyee...
issit that easily forgotten?
when you msg me asking me to listen to that song, i searched frantically for it on the spot, right in between a bloody lecture using a laptop just to analyse the lyrics first and d/l it straight into my fren's lappy. The underlying meaning behind your actions, im truely confused.
Do not lift me high up to throw me down again. I quote you.
'Sorry' doesnt help at this point of time. It's just a form of courtesy to me anyway.
And the shadow of you seems to be lingering around everywhere i go. It's irksome yet i cant manage to get rid of that feeling.
Dejected, is that what you wana make me feel? you have succeeded, i tell you.
This year, i wish for a pill created, whereby i can select and delete the memories.
I feel as if i'm only 2 cents worth.
All the stuff i've done and sacrifices, the love ever so deep as a valley, seems to have been forsaken in less than 2 weeks for a new chapter of your love life.
Exactly 90 movies, another 10 to hit significant 100.
80 'loveydovey' sms i stored safely in my phone since i carried my present one.
The collected whatever-trip-tickets, pictures which i couldn't bear to delete or throw them afterall.
For a moment, I wish i was heartless or a playerette. I, hurting others and not the other way round. Selfish? yes but it's less terrible to go through criticisms than heartbreaks.
Imagine your heart being pry open and yet nobody even yourself is able to stop the bleeding, like a helpless sheep wandering among the herd.
The thought of taking the plunge actually came across my mind
I need somebody to stab me seriously there, on the left chest.
WHY? tell me whyee...
issit that easily forgotten?
when you msg me asking me to listen to that song, i searched frantically for it on the spot, right in between a bloody lecture using a laptop just to analyse the lyrics first and d/l it straight into my fren's lappy. The underlying meaning behind your actions, im truely confused.
Do not lift me high up to throw me down again. I quote you.
'Sorry' doesnt help at this point of time. It's just a form of courtesy to me anyway.
And the shadow of you seems to be lingering around everywhere i go. It's irksome yet i cant manage to get rid of that feeling.
Dejected, is that what you wana make me feel? you have succeeded, i tell you.
This year, i wish for a pill created, whereby i can select and delete the memories.
At 12:06 AM,
xinzi said…
heh heh.
do not waste time on someone who isn't willing to waste time on you.
a person so important could just become a mere stranger the next minute.
i experienced that. and so have u.
all we have to do.
is to grit our teeth, stand up, and move on like before.
time aint gonna stop just because u were feeling bitter.
it just goes on just like the way u wanna pick urself up.
thank him for the memories. just take it as a lil present and keep in back in the wardrobe.
At 12:21 AM,
yiyi said…
i may not be experiencing the pain that both of you are having now, but i truly understand the feeling of dejection from a relationship.
no words can describe the torment, i know.
all i can do is tell you that, whenever you start to think back of the times, sit down alone and cry it out by all means if it really hurts. but tell yourself that these tears will wash away the memories and let it drift to somewhere far and don't let it come back again ok!
and crying makes you feel sleepy! sleep away the pain and wake up a fresh day yeah.
be strong my dear girlies.
At 11:56 PM,
-=vanessa=- said…
i experienced it the same way as u did. =(
moved on sweetie. u've me.
everyone's got their part of the story. u may b strong outside. but ur weak inside. but whenever u need me. i'll just be a phone call away. =)
my ex bf got another girl by 1 day after we broke up. it hurts like shit. so i wud understand hw u were to feel right now.
but rmb u've still haf us.
we'll treat u like a precious gem that will nv be forsaken..
j'aime un ananas.
At 12:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
and van, u love pineapples? haha
je t'aime all my lovelies*
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