*requiem for a dream

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Pink's the new black

i cant catch the Brasil.ghana match now cuz of the malfunctioned software that chose to cease function at this verryy match.
MADNESS. like how i huff and i puffffff~... it still doesnt work.

Anyway... for bad mood and bad hair days
Pick this up from any supermarket or stores
Pick of the week:
L'oreal's Nutri gloss hair mask

Good stuff. I could sorta feel the difference instantly after use.

ima supprter of L'oreal hair products neh and whatmore it's pink. ( :


  • At 9:58 PM, Blogger Renavatio said…

    dun use the software player and watch la. subscribe to starhub! u can view soccer with a 42 inch tv ranther than a 15 inch computer. =p

    eh my birthday coming! where's my present? you owed me 19 years of presents =x haha just kidding

  • At 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    im alr a starhub cable tv user.
    but i dont subscribe to sports channel particularly.
    cuz i dont really watch alottt.
    but nvm, my software's working again (:

    i have hidden yr present somewhr in yr estate, hunt for it!

  • At 11:51 PM, Blogger -=vanessa=- said…

    hur hur. i bought it too. HAHA!


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